
Zmierzam opisać tu cały przebieg aplikacji i informacje dotyczące aplikacji, które chciałam znać a nigdzie ich nie mogłam znaleźć.

1. Agencja.
 Jest więcej agencji niż tylko Cultural Care au pair. Jest jeszcze między innymi Prowork, Gawo, Au Pair in America, Happy Au Pair i inne. To, że CC najlepiej się ogłasza i wszędzie go pełno nie oznacza, że to jedyna agencja! (ja tak myślałam :P )

koszty i dokumenty

2. Referencje.
Nie szukajcie w necie gotowych wzorów referencji. Każda agencja prześlę wam dokumenty i tam będziecie mieć gotowy wzór tylko będzie trzeba go wypełnić.

3. Interview.
 To są pytania z CC i Proworku ( oczywiście wszystkich nie pamiętam, ale co wiem : )
 a) dlaczego chcesz być au pair?
 b) jakie cechy posiada dobra opiekunka?
 c) co zrobisz jak w USA będziesz miała jakiś problem z rodziną?
 d) co zrobisz jak będziesz tęsknić za rodziną w PL.?
 e) czy byłaś kiedyś dłużej zagranicą sama?
 f) co zrobisz jak dzieci zaczną się bić o jedną zabawkę?
 g) co zrobisz jak zobaczysz pożar w domu?
 f) co zrobisz jak w parku dziecko poważnie się skaleczy?
 g) jakie znasz zabawy na świeżym powietrzu?
 h) czy Twoi rodzice myślą o Twoim wyjeździe?
 i) czy masz chłopaka i co on myśli o Twoim wyjeździe?

jak jeszcze mi się coś przypomni to dopisze :)

4. List.

Dear future host family!

First of all I want to thank you for consideration. My name is Sylwia. I am 23 years old and I live in Poland. I live with my parents and our dog and cat. We live in a big house and a big garden. I love my village neighbor and friends who live here. My mother name is Wieslawa and she is 52 years old. My father name is Jerzy and he is 53 years old. My relationship to my parents is really good. I have three older sister Agnieszka, Katarzyna i Magdalena. Agnieszka and Magdalena lives in Ireland but Katarzyna lives in Poland area me.

I want to be a an au pair because I love children and I love spent time with them.

How I am ??

Patience, composure and balance - the children often test our patience.
Tolerance above all - Respecting children and parents.
Appropriate approach to the charges - love never too much, but ...!
Creativity, ingenuity - the ability to time the organization, or something useful'll take care baby or child will take care of you.
Ability to react in crisis situations - the situation a lot like children in this world
Thoughtfulness and serenity - a good nanny is above all cheerful, warm, caring, always smiling, open to new experiences and people person.
If you want to be yours children was happy and smiling all the time You must meet me, You will see that it's good choice.
I regularly help my mother with housework. I love gardening and cooking. I am hard – working and reliable person.
In high school I leaned cooking and service but in college I learned care and education.
I have experience in the care of children. Cared for Pawel, Piotrek and Philip. Each child is different and fun personality, different other duties.
    Piotrek is my friend's son. . Piotrek is 8 years now. He goes to a grammar school, so I help him with his homework. Both of the he like to help me cooking. We usually preper snacks like pancakes, sandwiches, cookies and many other delicious things. I play with him a lot. I know education games which are creative for children, and I teach them helping others
      I was taking care of Piotrek since May on holiday 2011 and 20012. Piotrk's mom worked so she asked me to stay with her daughter at home. Because in summer there was a nice weather we were going for a walk often, she has a small bike and I was teaching her ride it. I also take care of a 9 year old boy named Pawel. He lives in Ireland. When I was on vacation with my sisters in Ireland, and there I met Pawel's mom.
        When I practice with the children she taught the second grade of elementary school for 2 months. I love children, and when I back to Poland I want to return to college to be able to teach children in kindergarten.
      My expectations of being an au pair is not only having fun with host family, but also learning something about culture, improve my English skills.
    I would be glad if we could meet. I hope to hear from you.

Your sincerely – Sylwia